Al proceso llamado parada proliferativa en las plantas también podría llamarse menopausia vegetal
MEC. Gisela Aguilar Martinez En las plantas como un único episodio reproductivo, llamadas monocárpicas, el inicio de la reproducción está determinado por la formación de las primeras flores. Los factores que controlan ese proceso (como la luz, los cambios estacionales, la temperatura o la edad de la planta), están muy estudiados, pero poco se sabe […]
La amenaza silenciosa de las bacterias multirresistentes: matan 20 veces más que los accidentes de tráfico
MEC Gisela Aguilar Martínez En estudios resientes se ha revelado el preocupante aumento de muertes causadas por bacterias resistentes a los antibióticos, lo que lo covierte en una de las 10 amenazas más graves para la salud pública a nivel global, según la OMS. A estas bacterias se les llaman las bacterias multirresistentes (BMR) y […]
Quantum 101 Episode 5: Quantum Entanglement Explained
Quantum entanglement is one of the most intriguing and perplexing phenomena in quantum physics. It allows physicists to create connections between particles that seem to violate our understanding of space and time. This video discusses what quantum entanglement really is, and the experiments that help us understand it. The results of these experiments have applications […]
Quantum Entanglement: Explained in REALLY SIMPLE Words
Quantum entanglement is a physical resource, such as energy, that is possible between quantum systems. When a coin rotates on a flat surface, it is in a state of superposition between its two faces, heads and tails. Similarly, electrons in their natural state exist as a superposition of spin up and spin down. Only when […]
Have we found parallel universe? | Evidence for Parallel and Multiverse
Parallel universes are no longer just a feature of a good sci-fi story. There are now some scientific theories that support the idea of parallel universes beyond our own. However, the multiverse theory remains one of the most controversial theories in science. Here we are going talk about different theories supporting the concept of Parallel […]
If light has no mass, why is it affected by gravity? General Relativity Theory
General relativity, part of the wide-ranging physical theory of relativity formed by the German-born physicist Albert Einstein. It was conceived by Einstein in 1915. It explains gravity based on the way space can ‘curve’, or, to put it more accurately, it associates the force of gravity with the changing geometry of space-time. ( Einstein’s gravity) […]
Do those dog speech buttons actually work?
Some dog owners believe their pup can “speak” to them by using paw-friendly buttons that say prerecorded words. On social media, some of these “button dogs” seem to be doing surprisingly intelligent things, like combining two words to create a unique meaning: “squeaker” + “car” = ambulance. But can dogs really use language in this […]
What Happens If You Destroy A Black Hole?
Black holes can destroy everything – but can they be destroyed? What happens if we push physics to the absolute limits, maybe even break it and the universe in the process? Let’s create a tiny black hole, about the mass of our moon, in the Kurzgesagt Labs and try to rip it apart.
The orbits of these planets haven’t changed in billions of years
An ancient group of six exoplanets whose orbits are unchanged for billions of years could tell us about how planetary systems like our own solar system formed. In 2020, astronomers discovered a pair of resonant planets around the star HD110067, about 100 light-years away, using the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). But Luque and his […]
Un lejano exoplaneta podría esconder océanos y un posible indicio de vida
Agencia SINC Una nueva investigación con el telescopio espacial James Webb sobre K2-18 b, un exoplaneta 8,6 veces más masivo que la Tierra, ha revelado la presencia de moléculas que contienen carbono, entre ellas metano y dióxido de carbono (CO2). Este descubrimiento se suma a estudios recientes y observaciones del Hubble que sugieren que este mundo podría ser un planeta hicéano: con una atmósfera […]
How did the Enigma Machine work?
Let’s use 3D animation to go inside the Enigma Machine!
How a Car Engine Works
An inside look at the basic systems that make up a standard car engine.
The four types of planetary civilizations, explained by Michio Kaku
Humanity is a type 0 civilization. Here’s what types 1, 2, and 3 look like, according to physicist Michio Kaku.
How marine bacteria reshape oil to eat it faster
After an oil spill, humans rush to the scene to minimize impacts on the environment. But if the oil sticks around long enough, nature’s responders start to roll in. Bacteria such as Alcanivorax borkumensis thrive in these settings, using the components of petroleum as a source of energy and carbon. Now, a group of biophysicists […]