El caso Dolly, 27 años después
MEC. Gisela Aguilar Martinez. El nacimiento del primer mamífero clonado a partir de una célula adulta fue un hito en el campo de la biología, especialmente para la genética. El nacimiento de la oveja Dolly fue un fenómeno científico tan famoso como controvertido, tanto es así que sigue teniendo al mundo dividido entre la ética […]
El abrazo como fuente de felicidad
MEC. Gisela Aguilar Martinez Abrazar es un instinto que, desde el nacimiento, y sin tener todavía conciencia, los bebés se buscan desesperadamente el calor de los brazos de su madre, para protegerse. Más tarde, tanto el sufrimiento como la satisfacción se consuelan o se reafirman, respectivamente, con afecto y contacto físico. Y esto no es […]
Your brain doesn’t detect reality. It creates it. | Lisa Feldman Barrett
Our perception of reality is not an exact representation of the objective truth but rather a combination of sensory inputs and the brain’s interpretation of these signals. This interpretation is influenced by past experiences and is often predictive, with the brain creating categories of similar instances to anticipate future events. The brain’s categorization process extends […]
Michio Kaku: Quantum computing is the next revolution
Dr. Michio Kaku, the renowned theoretical physicist, walks through the evolutionary journey of quantum computing, from analog to digital to the quantum era. Quantum computers hold immense promise because of their ability to tap into parallel universes, which boosts their computational power exponentially. They could revolutionize agriculture, energy, and medicine, solving complex problems like creating […]
Brian Cox explains why time travels in one direction – BBC
Professor Brian Cox builds sandcastles in the Namib Desert to explain why time travels in one direction. It is a result of a phenomenon called entropy; a law of physics that tells us any system tends towards disorder.
How AI is pushing medical robotics toward autonomy
Artificial intelligence (AI) applications in medical robots are bringing a new era to medicine. Advanced medical robots can perform diagnostic and surgical procedures, aid rehabilitation, and provide prosthetics to replace limbs. The combination of extraordinary advances in robotics, medicine, materials science, and computing could bring safer, more efficient, and more widely available patient care in […]
Se intensificarán las olas de calor
MEC Gisela Aguilar Martínez En recientes estudios se descubrió que algunas de las mayores olas de calor no han sido registradas hasta el momento. Dichos estudios también prevén que a medida que se agrave el cambio climático, estos fenómenos serán más intensos en el futuro. Cada año parece más común que las olas de calor […]
Decoded: What is Machine Learning, and how does It work? A short primer.
Deep learning, neural networks, imitation games—what does any of this have to do with teaching computers to “learn”?
How To Invent Everything: A Survival Guide for the Stranded Time Traveler
If you’ve ever wondered what you’d do if you were stranded in the past, wonder no longer! With HOW TO INVENT EVERYTHING, you’ll reinvent civilization from scratch, no matter what time period you’re in. You’ll become the most influential, decisive, and important person ever born. You’ll make history…
The Beauty of Books – Featuring Carl Sagan | Reason to Read
This video will inspire you and is aimed to bring your interest in reading books. This video is my imagination of the beauty of books. I have had a lot of fun while making this short video. Hope you also enjoyed this video. Comment your views about it in the comment section. «Books break the […]
Carl Sagan describing books.
A short but sweet clip of Carl Sagan describing books. Taken from the excellent television series ‘Cosmos’.Mostrar menos
Short Film: How to Help Sea Turtles Threatened By Extinction
The beaches of Tulum, Mexico are home to hundreds of nesting endangered sea turtles. Volunteers at the Xcacel Sea Turtle Camp help get thousands of sea turtles to the ocean safely. One volunteer, Aurora, gets her perspective changed from this experience.