How meditation can change your life and mind | Sam Harris, Jon Kabat-Zinn & more | Big Think
Whether you’re hatching «new-you» resolutions or need to end a bad habit, there’s a world of transformative wellness tech at your fingertips. Though some of it may shock you – literally. Willow Group, a company that aims to leverage technology to bring people peace of mind, is led by CEO Nichol Bradford. She is the […]
Psychedelics: The scientific renaissance of mind-altering drugs | Sam Harris, Michael Pollan & more
Having been repressed in the 1960s for their ties to the counterculture, psychedelics are currently experiencing a scientific resurgence. In this video, Michael Pollan, Sam Harris, Jason Silva and Ben Goertzel discuss the history of psychedelics like LSD and psilocybin, acknowledge key figures including Timothy Leary and Albert Hoffman, share what the experience of therapeutic […]
El ruido del tráfico obstaculiza el desarrollo de las crías de aves
Agencia SINC El ruido está por todas partes. Ya sea en la ciudad, en el campo o incluso en un parque nacional, los niveles de ruido generado por el ser humano son altos y siguen aumentando. Se sospechaba desde hace tiempo que la exposición al ruido era perjudicial para la salud, incluso durante el desarrollo, […]
Un modelo de IA para precisar el diagnóstico y tratamiento de arritmias de corazón
Agencia SINC Mediante nuevas técnicas de inteligencia artificial, como las de aprendizaje automático, será posible determinar con precisión dónde se desencadenan algunas arritmias cardíacas. Ese es el objetivo de una investigación liderada por la Universidad Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona (UPF), publicada recientemente en la revista Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine. Fijar el lugar de origen de estas arritmias permitirá aumentar la […]
All New Atlas | Boston Dynamics
We are unveiling the next generation of humanoid robots—a fully electric Atlas robot designed for real-world applications. The new Atlas builds on decades of research and furthers our commitment to delivering the most capable, useful mobile robots solving the toughest challenges in industry today: with Spot, with Stretch, and now with Atlas. Stay tuned to […]
The 4 biggest ideas in philosophy, with legend Daniel Dennett for Big Think+
Philosophy and science haven’t always gone hand-in-hand. Here’s why that should change. Daniel Dennett, an Emeritus Professor from Tufts University and prolific author, provides an overview of his work at the intersection of philosophy and science. Many of today’s philosophers are too isolated in their pursuits, he explains, as they dedicate their intellect purely to […]
Este es el atlas del envejecimiento del músculo esquelético humano
Agencia SINC En un mundo con sociedades que envejecen rápidamente, es necesario conocer en detalle la causa y la progresión de las enfermedades asociadas al envejecimiento. El músculo esquelético es el sistema motor clave del cuerpo humano y desempeña un papel fundamental en la regulación metabólica corporal. Investigadores de la Universidad Pompeu Fabra, junto con equipos […]
Longevity: can ageing be reversed?
Ageing has always been inevitable but fasting, epigenetic reprogramming and parabiosis are just some of the scientific techniques that seem to help people stay young. Might the Peter Pan dream become real?
A Brief But Spectacular take on what it means to be human
Yuval Noah Harari is a professor renowned for his broad and thought-provoking perspectives on human history. Harari, who is the bestselling author of «Sapiens,» recently released a new volume of this work for younger readers. He gives his Brief But Spectacular take on what it means to be human.
Meet The New AI Robot Billionaire
Armed with more than $750 million in funding, Brett Adcock vows that Figure will become one of the most important businesses in the world. First, there is a lot of work to do. Adcock, the 38-year-old founder and CEO of robot maker Figure, is riding high. In January, the company announced a collaboration with BMW, […]
El libro de recetas de la evolución: los errores de ‘copiar y pegar’ que crearon el reino animal
Agencia SINC Hace 700 millones de años, una criatura extraordinaria emergió por primera vez. Puede que no haya sido muy impresionante según los estándares actuales, pero era el primer animal que tenía una parte frontal y una trasera, una parte superior y una parte inferior. Esta fue una adaptación innovadora en ese momento, y una […]
Farewell to HD Atlas
For almost a decade, Atlas has sparked our imagination, inspired the next generations of roboticists, and leapt over technical barriers in the field. Now it’s time for our hydraulic Atlas robot to kick back and relax. Take a look back at everything we’ve accomplished with the Atlas platform to date.
Descubren características del VIH compatibles con su curación
Agencia SINC El Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS), centro mixto del CSIC, ha llevado a cabo un estudio que abre nuevas vías para la curación de la infección por VIH en colaboración con el Ragon Institute of Massachusetts General Hospital, MIT and Harvard (EE UU). Los investigadores han analizado a un grupo excepcional de personas cuyo organismo […]
The true story behind the legend of the 47 Rōnin – Adam Clulow
Dig into one of Japan’s most infamous stories about the 47 samurai who take revenge for the loss of their leader. — Asano Naganori, lord of Akō domain, fixed his gaze on Kira Yoshinaka, a senior master of ceremony. Asano extended his short sword, charged through the castle, and struck Kira. While the wound wasn’t […]