Año: 2024

Brian Cox – Alien Life & The Zoo Hypothesis

🌌 Join world-renowned physicist Brian Cox as he delves into one of the universe’s greatest mysteries: Are we alone? This thought-provoking journey takes us through the staggering expanses of the cosmos, exploring the profound question of extraterrestrial life. 🌟 Dive into the depths of space with billions of galaxies, each a home to countless stars […]

The bees that can learn like humans

Scientists have long accepted the existence of animal culture, be that tool use in New Caledonian crows, or Japanese macaques washing sweet potatoes. One thing thought to distinguish human culture is our ability to do things too complex to work out alone — no one could have split the atom or travel into space without […]

El ‘Tyrannosaurus rex’ no era tan listo como se pensaba

Agencia SINC Desde hace décadas, distintos grupos de investigación han examinado el tamaño y la anatomía del cerebro de los dinosaurios y han utilizado estos datos para inferir su comportamiento y estilo de vida. La información sobre sus cerebros proviene principalmente de moldes endocraneales, es decir, de las estructuras minerales que rellenan la cavidad craneal de […]

Psychedelics: The scientific renaissance of mind-altering drugs | Sam Harris, Michael Pollan & more

Having been repressed in the 1960s for their ties to the counterculture, psychedelics are currently experiencing a scientific resurgence. In this video, Michael Pollan, Sam Harris, Jason Silva and Ben Goertzel discuss the history of psychedelics like LSD and psilocybin, acknowledge key figures including Timothy Leary and Albert Hoffman, share what the experience of therapeutic […]

Un modelo de IA para precisar el diagnóstico y tratamiento de arritmias de corazón

Agencia SINC Mediante nuevas técnicas de inteligencia artificial, como las de aprendizaje automático, será posible determinar con precisión dónde se desencadenan algunas arritmias cardíacas. Ese es el objetivo de una investigación liderada por la Universidad Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona (UPF), publicada recientemente en la revista Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine. Fijar el lugar de origen de estas arritmias permitirá aumentar la […]

All New Atlas | Boston Dynamics

We are unveiling the next generation of humanoid robots—a fully electric Atlas robot designed for real-world applications. The new Atlas builds on decades of research and furthers our commitment to delivering the most capable, useful mobile robots solving the toughest challenges in industry today: with Spot, with Stretch, and now with Atlas. Stay tuned to […]

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