«AI Could Be The End Of Democracy» – Yuval Noah Harari On The Threat Of Artificial Intelligence
Piers Morgan Uncensored is joined by best-selling author of ‘Sapiens’ and historian Yuval Noah Harari and Chief Executive of anti-piracy business TCAT Nick Stewart to discuss the current status of Artificial Intelligence and the potential threat it poses to humankind. Yuval eloquently explains how AI would be a dictator’s dream and could be the basis […]
Lose yourself in the beauty of every new image from the James Webb Space Telescope
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) represents a new era in modern astronomy and as its first year of observing the universe comes to an end, we take a look at all the stunning images it has captured. We got to see the full capabilities of the James Webb Space Telescope with images of distant […]
COSMIC SELFIE: The Black Hole in the middle of our galaxy looks like this…
It took more than 300 researchers and 8 telescopes to capture an image of our galaxy’s black hole.
Biomass: How clean is energy from waste and plants really?
Clean energy from re-growing resources and waste. Biomass sounds like a perfect alternative power source. Globally, at least 5% of energy come from biomass. But what does it mean if we use organic matter for fuel or electricity?
Geothermal energy is renewable and powerful. Why is most of it untapped?
The potential of geothermal energy seems enormous. If estimates are correct, then the heat under our feet amounts to 50,000 times more power than all the oil and gas resources in the world. So why isn’t everybody using this renewable energy?
Preventing the 2035 food catastrophe | Just Might Work
Deep in the drylands of Morocco, a hidden vault holds the seeds that could save humanity.
The Surprising Reason Why You Talk in Your Sleep
Some of us sleep soundly without uttering a whisper; others deliver entire speeches while sawing their logs. But why is that…and how does sleep talking affect our health?
Vertical farms could take over the world | Hard Reset by Freethink
Vertical farming saves water, land, and energy — and it could be how we grow food on Mars.
Your Next Burger Could Be Made With Microbes
Fermentation is a natural process that humans have been hacking for millennia. Now, scientists are customizing the process to revolutionize the future of food with alternative proteins.
Did Water Crash Into Earth From Space?
Did water crash into Earth from space by way of a massive comet, or was it around long before our planet’s formation? Well, one new study suggests that it might have actually come from the most unlikely source of all: the Sun.
Abejas vulnerables al calor corren el riesgo de alimentarse menos en primavera
Agencia SINC En los últimos años se ha destacado el papel fundamental de las abejas como agentes polinizadores, sobre todo por el beneficio que aportan a muchos cultivos. Un estudio del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) ha demostrado que las abejas mineras del género Andrena, principales polinizadoras al principio de la primavera en los sistemas montañosos del sur de la […]
Algunos organismos complejos lograron sobrevivir durante la glaciación Marinoana
Agencia SINC Los entornos marinos habitables para las primeras formas de vida compleja podrían haber sido más extensos de lo que se pensaba durante la glaciación Marinoana, hace entre 654 y 635 millones de años, según un artículo publicado en la revista Nature Communications. Los hallazgos sugieren que las condiciones de habitabilidad en mar abierto podrían haber […]