Are Plastic-Eating Worms The Solution to Plastic Waste?
In a world grappling with the dire consequences of plastic pollution, a remarkable discovery has ignited a glimmer of hope. These unassuming worms, known as mealworms, are challenging the very nature of plastic, a material initially created for convenience but which has since become a relentless scourge on our planet. Plastic’s enduring structure and resistance […]
German scientists make paralyzed mice walk again
German researchers have enabled mice paralyzed after spinal cord injuries to walk again, re-establishing a neural link hitherto considered irreparable in mammals by using a designer protein injected into the brain. #News
We Don’t Know: Magnetoreception
This episode explores animals’ ability to perceive magnetism or “magnetoreception.» We know from behavioral evidence that many organisms, from bacteria, to lobsters, to pigeons sense and respond to magnetic fields but we are just starting to learn how this works. Learn more about magnetoreception:
How quantum mechanics help birds find their way
Some birds can sense Earth’s magnetic field, using it to navigate. But precisely how they do this has long remained a mystery. Now, researchers have confirmed that a protein found in bird eyes displays a quantum mechanical phenomenon which makes it sensitive to magnetic fields. The researchers suggest this mechanism could be behind birds’ magnetoreception […]
Mind-reading computers turn brain activity into speech
For people with paralysis and other conditions, brain-computer-interfaces could provide a way to communicate without needing to be able to speak. The technology to do this has developed rapidly over the past few years, and two new studies show impressive results in converting brain activity into text, sounds and even facial expressions.
This Astoundingly Simple Ancient Technique Is Helping to Beat Back Drought
Amid a warming world, these conservationists have brought back a very old and very low-tech drought-busting practice and they are getting results.
EU approves sales of first artificial heart
EU begins artificial heart sales from the second quarter of this year after a long-awaited European Commission approval. Each battery-powered unit developed by Carmat costs over $180,000 (USD).
Why Aliens Might Already Be On Their Way To Us
The universe is magnificent and vast. Hundreds of billions of galaxies, trillions of stars, and even more planets. If even the tiniest fraction are habitable, then the Universe should be teeming with life. And yet we see nothing, only vast emptiness. Where is everyone else? The answer to this riddle could be as exciting as […]
Una esperanza de vida en los xenotransplantes
MEC. Gisela Aguilar Martinez. Los cerdos habrían pasado por una modificación genética diseñada para evitar que el sistema inmunológico del receptor rechazara los nuevos órganos. En Estados Unidos, ha ocurrido un hecho sin precedentes, donde un equipo clínico del hospital Langone Health, de la Universidad de Nueva York, lograron realizar con éxito el trasplante de […]
Neil DeGrasse Tyson on Why Humans Are SO DUMB.
Neil DeGrasse Tyson Talks about how the human race is stupid compared to alien intelligence, he states that the difference between human and chimp DNA is just under 1% so what happens when we meet some alien race, will their kids be smarter than our Stephen Hawking? Neil deGrasse Tyson’s perspective on the potential intelligence […]
To Bennu and Back: Journey’s End
OSIRIS-REx is NASA’s first asteroid sample return mission. It launched in September 2016 on a journey to explore a near-Earth asteroid called Bennu. In October 2020, the spacecraft ventured to the asteroid’s surface and collected about 250 grams of material for delivery to Earth. Now, two years and four months after leaving Bennu, OSIRIS-REx is […]
ASTEROIDE BENNU | Así será el aterrizaje de la cápsula del asteroide Bennu en la Tierra | EL PAÍS
Una cápsula con restos de Bennu, un asteroide de 500 metros de largo que, según la escala de Palermo, es el más amenazador para la Tierra aterrizará en nuestro planeta mañana. ¿El objetivo? Estudiar y comprender más el origen de nuestro sistema solar. Esta es la misión de la NASA que traerá una muestra más […]
Aterrizan las muestras del asteroide Bennu
Cápsula de retorno de muestras de la misión OSIRIS-REx poco después de aterrizar en el Campo de Pruebas y Entrenamiento que tiene el Departamento de Defensa de EE UU en el desierto de Utah. / NASA/Keegan Barber Agencia SINC Tras siete años del lanzamiento de la misión OSIRIS-REx (Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification and Security – Regolith Explorer) […]
Aterrizan las primeras muestras de la NASA del asteroide Bennu
Los científicos esperan proporcione información única sobre el origen de la vida y sobre la formación del sistema solar hace unos 4.500 millones de años.