The mind-bending physics of time | Sean Carroll
How the Big Bang gave us time, explained by theoretical physicist Sean Carroll. In this Big Think interview, theoretical physicist Sean Carroll discusses the concept of time and the mysteries surrounding its properties. He notes that while we use the word «time» frequently in everyday language, the real puzzles arise when we consider the properties […]
Honey bees perfect their waggle dances by learning from elders
The waggle dance performed by honey bees is a complex behavior that communicates directional information. In a recent paper, researchers demonstrated that younger bees learn critical parts of this dance from older, more experienced bees. Bees that learn without the benefit of teachers have errors in their dance, and while some of which can improve […]
How to be happier in 5 steps with zero weird tricks | Laurie Santos
This interview is an episode from @The-Well, our publication about ideas that inspire a life well-lived, created with the @JohnTempletonFoundation. Sometimes, it’s really hard to be happy. And there’s a reason for that: The human brain isn’t hard-wired for happiness. Why? Because happiness isn’t essential for survival. To make matters worse, our minds can deceive […]
The Biggest Myth About Your Metabolism Debunked
You’ve probably heard that your metabolism slows down as your age. Turns out, that isn’t entirely true. A new study revealed that your metabolism actually remains steady throughout most of your adult life. Every minute of every day, your body is converting food or stored fat into energy to keep itself going—pumping blood, expanding and […]
Descubierta una molécula que ayuda a madurar a las células del páncreas y limita el desarrollo de tumores
Células acinares del páncreas, en proceso de inflamación. / Isidoro Cobo/CNIO Agencia SINC El páncreas, situado detrás del estómago, gestiona el suministro de energía de nuestro organismo. Lo hace segregando las proteínas (enzimas) responsables de que la glucosa, el principal combustible del cuerpo, llegue a otros órganos en el momento y cantidad necesarios. Estas proteínas se […]
Meet The Plastic-Eating Worms | Planet Fix | BBC Earth Lab
These worms can eat plastic. Not only that, but they can digest it too! In the fifth and final episode of ‘Planet Fix’, we speak to the scientists exploring how nature is fighting back against one of the world’s biggest polluters.
Scientists Upload Worm’s Mind Into a Lego Robot
Scientists have created a robot that «thinks» and acts like a worm after inserting software modeled on the neural connections in a worm’s brain inside a Lego robot. WSJ’s Monika Auger reports.
How to Upload Your Mind
Uploading your mind to a computer might one day let humans cheat death. The technology’s a long way off, but researchers are working on closing that gap. This episode was brought to you and inspired by the movie Self/less.
The physics of time, entropy, and immortality | Sabine Hossenfelder
Why does time move forward but not backward? Physicist Sabine Hossenfelder explains.
Is there life after death? | Sam Harris, Bill Nye, Michio Kaku, & more | Big Think
Death is inevitable for all known living things. However on the question of what, if anything, comes after life, the most honest answer is that no one knows. So far, there is no scientific evidence to prove or disprove what happens after we die. In this video, astronomer Michelle Thaller, neuroscientist and philosopher Sam Harris, […]
Life and Death: A Cosmic Perspective from Neil deGrasse Tyson
An excerpt from Neil’s book ‘Starry Messenger: Cosmic Perspectives on Civilization.’ Should we live forever? What happens to us after we die? What is the statistical probability of being alive? Tyson exercises mathematical prowess and scientific eloquence to grapple with questions that have plagued humankind since its humble beginnings. Taking a cosmic perspective on civilization […]
Decreto en la ley federal del trabajo permitirá a las mujeres o personas menstruantes faltar dos días al trabajo
MEC. Gisela Aguilar Martínez El ciclo menstrual es un indicador sensible de la salud femenina que tiene una duración clásica de 28 días, en un 35% los ciclos son más largos o más cortos y en un 15% son irregulares o variables. El ciclo menstrual es parte de la vida de la mujer aproximadamente a […]